Welcome to the WTP website.

This website is the exclusive property of WTP. WTP (Connections) is listed on Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 810 468 520 RCS Paris, with registered offices at 23, passage Alexandrine, 75011 Paris.

At Let’s WTP, we strive to deliver outstanding products, services and experiences for you around the world. We value your business and, more importantly, your loyalty. We recognize that privacy is an important issue.

We have developed this Statement to inform you that we shall not collect any information that will identify you personally without your consent to do so. The only data we may collect is the one you have provided us with which we would never share unless you have requested that we do so with regards to the execution of a service or purchase of a product.

The present website is updated and maintained using WordPress. WordPress also offers a statistics service that enables us to track our website performance. WordPress also enables us to perform a complete erasure of your data should you request us to do so in compliance with GDRP. To review how WordPress treats your data, please visit their Privacy Policy.

Emails & Website Analytics

Let’s WTP’s emails are hosted under Gmail, a Google Product. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. This data does not identify you personally in anyway. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Website. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. For more information about Google’s use of your information, please visit Google’s Privacy Policy.


From time to time we may send out newsletters to our mailing list and to do so we use Mailchimp which in turn gathers statistics related to email openings, number of clicks etc… To learn how Mailchimp protects your data, please visit their Privacy Policy.

General information

The information given on this website is informative only and Let’s WTP is not contractually bound by any of this information. Let’s WTP uses all means at its disposal to provide users with reliable and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for any errors, unavailability of information or products, or the presence of any virus on its site.


The overall structure and all elements that can be viewed on the site (text, logos, illustrations, photographs, graphics, films, audio, expertise), as well as all other components of this site, are the exclusive property of Let’s WTP. Any total or partial reproduction of this site, by whatever means, without the express authorization of Let’s WTP is prohibited and constitutes a violation of intellectual property as set out in articles L 335-2 (and subsequent articles) of the French Intellectual Property Code. It is therefore expressly prohibited to reproduce, sell, or disclose all or any of this site, or use it in any form whatsoever, without prior permission from Let’s WTP.


On our website you will find links to other external websites. By clicking on a hyperlink, users recognize they are accessing a new website and that the information available there no longer falls within the scope of our Privacy Policy, so please visit the one available on the website you are visiting.

Applicable law

This entire website is governed by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. In the event of a dispute, the competent jurisdiction is the Paris Commercial Court (Tribunal de Commerce de Paris).

For further information or if you would like to access your personal information, please contact us directly at contact@letswtp.com or you may write to us at:

23, passage Alexandrine
75011 Paris, France

Privacy policy last updated August 3rd 2018.